The Blog

Having been in business for the past decade, sometimes I put on a blazer and call myself The Business Bitch. From business advice to selling to marketing and a lot about copy.

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Your To-Do List Is Sabotaging Your Success

Do you know how much money you need to make today?

What's your sales target?

Sure, you might know what you want to make a year.

Any takers for 6 figures?

What about making $10k months?

It’s so hot right now to make 5 figure months.

So, how much money do you need to make every time you show up in your business?

Say you take Saturday + Sunday off. Cos we’re not slave drivers. That means you’re working about 20 days a month.

If your monthly income target is $10,000 then you need to make $500 today.

That means after reading this, you need to make $500 appear out of thin air and into your bank account.

How does that feel?

Scary? Intimidating?


Sounds about right.

I’ll tell you why in a moment.

But first, get out your to do list.

It might look a little like this:

>> Launch new course

>> Set up Facebook group

>> Decide themes and posting schedule for group

>> Post on IG

>> Edit media page

>> Record webinar

>> Promote my 5 day Challenge

>> Write chapter of my book

>> Get Facebook ads up and running

>> Complete course on Pinterest

>> Release new coaching package to work with you

>> And then some.

You wake up and stare at this list of essential business tasks and instead of making $500 today you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of overwhelm with no raft in sight.

You jump from task to task, half-assing your media kit and half-heartedly emailing people about your new package.

From 9-5 you’re all over the place.

And it’s because your to do list isn’t anchored in your sales targets.

How you show up on a daily basis isn’t aligned to make you that $10k you so desperately wanted this September.

Your to do list is sabotaging your success.

And while you try to tackle that beast of burden day in day out, it’s not in alignment with making $500 today.

Which means you’re missing the whole point of business.

Making money is your only focus.

If you’re not focussed on making money, you’ve got a hobby. And hobbies are awesome. My mate is a manager in corprate by day and a singer / songwriter by night. She’s playing a gig this Sunday with her band. And she loves it. But her to do list today isn’t about posting about her gig on Facebook and expecting to get paid $500 today.

If you’re a serious business owner and your sales targets and sales process are all over the place, take a look at your to do list. It’s sabotaging the shit out of you.

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You're Not A Helpless Pawn In The Online Business World

You are not a helpless pawn in the online business world.

You are powerful.

And absolutely in control.

Your words control how your reader feels.

Your words control what your reader thinks.

Your words control what your reader does.

There's a lot of responsibility that comes with this power. And a lot of points where it can go wrong.

Emailing your list without giving it a single thought is dangerous.

Because your business relies on you to make someone feel the right feels, know the right things, and buy what you’re selling.

This is strategy at its core.

Deciding how you want someone to think and feel.

Deciding what you want someone to do.

Then showing up on the page and making it an undeniable reality in their hearts and minds.

This is the power of positioning.

This is the power of communicating.

This is the power of copy.

How do you want someone to perceive you and your brand?

Pick two words.

Go over your last email.

Did you intentionally create this perception with your words?

It’s time to reclaim your power.

Recreate yourself and your brand.

Reposition yourself as the business owner who always gets paid.

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Your Ideal Client Strategy Is Costing You

You get an enquiry. Someone who’s not ready to work with you. They don’t have the funds. Or can’t afford you. They’ve got to speak to their partner. Need more to think about how you fit into the bigger picture.

You write it off as another bullshit excuse.

If they were your ideal client, they’d have five credit cards out ready to pay you. Whatever it takes.

The moment you start hearing these excuses you burn that bridge.

Get back to your journal to attract that dream client who’s ready. Now.

You think you’re being crystal clear around your ideal client and who you want to work with.

But what you’re really doing is leaving 2/3rds of your income potential on the table.

You’ve completely forgotten about the three kinds of dream clients that will help you double your income. And then some.


  • The Buy Todays

  • The Buy Tomorrows

  • The Buy Laters

The Buy Todays

This is your classic ideal dream client. Someone sends you an email saying: I need XYZ. I need ABC. And I need it by LMNOP.

They know exactly what they want. They’re a hot hot lead ready to pay you. You can be direct with them.  Validate what they want. Book the sale on the email.


The Buy Tomorrows

From the very first sentence they’re saying: I’m interested. I’d like to know more. I might want this.

They’re cautious. They won’t commit via email. Get them on the phone.

They’re still worth so much money to your business.

The Buy Somedays

These guys are sourcing information, speaking in very general terms, and wishful thinking.

Don’t dismiss them.

The fact you’ve got a response means they’re somewhere in the buying cycle. Book in a follow up in the future. Be specific + definitive: I’ll be in touch on <date> <time> to discuss XYZ

Business doesn’t operate in a vacuum.

Enquiries are your everything.

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9 Ways To Hit Your Income Goals Any Time Of The Month

December’s not over yet.

You want to book one more client? You can.

You want to lock in 3 sales calls? You can.

You want to finally get your Facebook ads up and running? You can.

Don’t dismiss December just because we’ve got two public holidays thrown in there.

People are always buying. So don’t stop selling.

You’ve spent all year building a community. And maybe you haven’t made as many sales as you wanted.

Now’s not the time to wallow in a mince pie.

Now’s the time for your 11th hour miracle.

Your whatever it takes attitude.

To make it happen.

In 9 days.

You got this.

And I got you.

Here’s 9 things you can do to hit your December goal.

1. That signature offer you’ve got that costs all the money? Create a super stripped back version. A $500 version. It’s called a line extension. It doesn’t damage your brand but it’ll get more sales in the door. Tag Heuer has $500 watches and $50,000 watches.

2. Go back over every single enquiry who reached out to you over the last three months. Email them and say this: Gone girl/guy. You disappeared. Are you still interested? Hit reply and let me know.

3. Then offer every one of your enquiries who couldn’t afford your high end signature service the brand new $500 offer.

4. You know those people you religiously watch on Instagram stories? You watch those stories and it's like you're hanging out with your best friend. What do they need help with? Create a pitch around helping them and send it. It’s scary. But it’s worth it.

5. Write an email to your list everyday with a call to action at the end to buy your thing, book your call, or whatever it is you need them to do to help you hit your December goal.

6. Go back over your best performing blog post or email this year. The one that got you sales calls booked. Send it out again with a new subject line.

7. Schedule an end of year free training for your community. Have an offer to pitch at the end. Show them your face. They'll fall in love.

8. Create an offer for your past clients that fills a need they have. E.g. if I write a website for a client, I’ll offer them the email welcome series. What else can you do for your clients? Email them with the new offer.

9. Ask your past clients for a referral. Or an introduction.

Yep. There’s a lot of asking. Because if you don’t ask, it’s always a no.

And when the 11th hour rocks around, social media doesn’t mean shit.

It’s the one on one personal connections that matter.


Selling is serving.

So get out there and sell like you mean it.

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The Passion Trap


We’ve got it all wrong. We’ve been told that the only way to succeed is to chase passion.

Everyone’s passionate. But not everyone can run a successful business. Ever wondered why?

Passion is an emotion. And emotions are fleeting.

One day you’re passionate about potatoes. The next it’s char-grilled sourdough. By Friday you’re over both and it’s pizza.

Replace the carb of the day with your latest job title.

That’s what running a business on passion looks like.

Constantly chopping and changing to chase that intoxicating wave of passion.

So you pivot. Again and again. Searching for the secret to turning passion into profit.

What you’ve really been searching for is how to live a passionate life. And living a passionate life is way too big for a business box.

The only want you can cultivate passion at that level, is to be the full expression of your truth.

So, where does your business fit in?

It’s one multifaceted manifestation of your truth.

For me, I’m an entertainer.

The copywriter in me is one manifestation of it.

The screenwriter in me is another manifestation of it.

The producer in me is another manifestation of it.

They’re all expressions of my truth. Which means they each make me feel intoxicated in my life without trying to chase the high. It’s just there.

Now take away screenwriter and producer from the mix.

And all I’m left with is copywriter.

Immediately, everything starts to contract.

The passion shrinks.

My heart tightens.

Writing copy becomes hard. Grinding.

It doesn’t take long for the passion to dry up when I deny other expressions of my truth.

Your passion can’t be contained by your business alone.

Your business can’t be the only source of your passion and the only expression of your truth.

There’s a whole world of passion out there for you.

When you fully embrace that business is only one facet of your truth, I can guarantee it’ll finally move out of struggle town, taking to train all the way to Boomsville. Population: money.

Not only will your business become wildly successful.

You’ll have passion on tap forever.

Your only job is to embrace every single manifestation of your truth.

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The Magic Pill Method

Take a look at the weight loss industry. The old penis industry. The wellness industry.

Pills. Pills. Pills.

We can make fun of them all we want but those guys are having the last laugh because they're rich. Rich. Rich.

Whether it's moral or not, these pill pushers understand that no one gives a damn about the process.

They only care about the result.

It doesn’t matter how amazing your process is.

If it ain’t a magic pill. Don’t waste your copy writing about it.

Whenever I get stuck writing for a client I pull out The Magic Pill Method.

Here's what you do:

Group the entire process as a magic pill.

Now all you’re left with is what happens after you take the pill.

The outcomes.

What your people really want.

That’s what sells.

Your process, your life journey. All supporting documents that help justify the sale. Like the fine print on the pill bottle that says works in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.

But the only reason someone decides to buy what you're selling is because you’re selling them what they want.

Want to finally sell your next product or services, guaranteed?

Sell people what they get after they take your magic pill.

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Your Business Revolution

You didn’t start your business to make resolutions.

You’re creating a revolution.

Your very own movement to overthrow the old ways that just don’t work for you anymore.

This isn’t about short term goals like making $5k in January.

It’s bigger than that.

You’re making history.

The first woman in your family to run a sustainable, profitable business until she’s 85 and then hands it over to her successor.

This is your revolution.

Running a business that not only feels so damn good in your bones, but is felt the world around by your ideal clients. The confidence to stand up and own your true potential and power. Oh, the places you’ll go. A movement, a voice, a message that will make you money.

This is your revolution.

It’s time to throw out your $5k per month goal and get real.

Your Revolution Checklist

Business Model Revolution:

If you’re running a 1:1 model business and your business revolution is a membership then you’re going to need a different business model.

You can’t just add on a membership site to your current Wordpress account and think it’s going to sell.

You’re going to need to change the way you show up.

Ideal Client Revolution:

If one day you dream about working with big corporate clients, speaking at their workshops and events, then you’re going to need to stop speaking to solo entrepreneurs and start speaking to your corporate clients.

My client and business bestie Clare picked up the phone and cold called a corporate client. Two years later she’s fully booked with corporate speaking gigs across the country.

Marketing Plan Revolution:

Want 2020 to be the year you master your email marketing? Then your marketing plan is going to need a refresh.

What are your objectives when it comes to email marketing?

What can you test and measure?

What's your marketing schedule + editorial calendar?

How are you going to give yourself time and space in your day to implement?

Sales Revolution:

Have you decided that this is the year you're going to stop offering free coaching calls and instead stand in your power with your services + offerings? Then you're going to need to replace your discovery calls with another sales technique.

The best way to replace sales calls is to sell with your words.

Visibility Revolution:

It’s not about getting a few more followers or a hundred more people on your list. It’s about being seen as the expert you truly are. As the leader. As the go-to in your industry.

The only way you’re going to get seen for anything is to be visible.

That means getting a schedule, understanding what your people want to see, and being consistent.

It’s time to deep dive in how you’re showing up online, and in the spaces between, and create a revolution around visibility.

Welcome to your business revolution.

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Failure To Launch

It fills me with terror when I hear business owners tell me:

They’ve only got 20 people on their list.

They’re mostly friends and family.

They haven’t been running ads to grow said list.

And the want to launch.

Rule number one of launch club. If you don’t have multiple thousands of people on your list.

Do. Not. Launch.

You’re setting yourself to fail.

It doesn’t matter what your goal is. But you need enough people that when you sell to 1-2% of your list, you hit that goal.

Say you want to sell 100 spots in your program from a launch. Then you’re going to need 10,000 on your list.

But here’s the caveat.

It’s not enough to have 10,000 on your list if you’ve ghosted them since the day they joined. They won’t just open their minds and wallets when you decide you’re ready for them to buy.

But say you’ve ticked all the boxes to launch.

There are a whole bunch of steps you need to do before even making a sale.

The generic template we see going around looks like this:

Seeding emails —> 3 part video series —> webinar 1 —> offering announcement —> early bird sales emails —> webinar 2 —> sales emails —> livestream —> cart closing sales emails

That’s a lot of effort. And sure, you can make 6 figures from it.

But if you don’t have the numbers. You don’t have the list. You don’t have the rapport. And you don’t have the time, or inclination, there’s another way.

A way that gives you continuous cash flow.

A way where warm, qualified leads voluntarily seek you out, wanting to work with you.

A way that allows you to build rapport quicker than ever.

It’s the evergreen way.

It’s simple.

Opt-in —> welcome series —> book sales call —> get client.

Ashleigh made $28,400 in 2 months from using the evergreen method. Caroline made $25,000 in 3 months from using this method. Kara made $11,000 in a week of sending out her sales emails.

That’s right. You can still make amazing money without the insane efforts of a launch.

And the best bit is you ditch the ebbs and flows of running a launch business meaning you get paid nonstop.

Don’t get me wrong. When all the planets and stars align in business, I love a good launch. It’s just that so many businesses aren’t ready to launch just yet.

So if you aren’t ready to launch, set up an evergreen situation and get lucrative.

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There’s No Money In Teaching Algebra To 5 Year Olds.

To make $100,000+ a year in business you need two things.

  1. You need to sell something people actually want to buy

  2. You need to speak in your client’s language so they know what you're selling

Simple, right?

Nope. If it was, everyone would be doing it.

Let me explain:

Every day you’ve shown up in your business you’ve grown.

You’ve grown as a person, as a business owner, and as an expert in your field.

You’ve clocked up hours of understanding and knowledge and awareness.

You’re a certified expert now.

Do you remember what it was like when you started out? The steep learning curve. The influx of new information. Having to google certain words that you’d never seen before.

It’s so easy to forget. But forgetting is bad for business.

Right now, you’re an expert who’s totally forgotten what it’s like for your clients who’re total newbies.

And that’s exactly who your clients are:

Newbies waaaayyyyyy at the beginning of their journey.

They’re not your industry peers. They’re brand new. They need your help.

And you’ve been communicating with them way above their comprehension level.

It’s like trying to teach kindergarten students algebra.

No wonder they’re not buying. They don’t understand a damn word you say.

They’re not there yet. They’re just learning to count from 1 to 10.

This screws you over with point #1: Selling the clients what they want.

Because you’ve got something better now, don't you?

You’ve got what they need.

So instead of selling your clients what they want, you sit there trying your hardest to convince your client they need something else instead.

And that ain’t ever going to sell.

Exhibit A

Let’s say you’re a love coach.

Your viewpoint as an expert is this:

The only way to find the love of your life is if you love yourself first.

Your client's viewpoint right now is this:

I just want to find the person of my dreams, is that so hard to ask?

So when you start talking to them about loving themselves first, you know what happens?


Recap: Always sell what the client wants.

Exhibit B

Let’s say you’re a personal trainer.

Here’s how you talk:

Get fit! Get ripped! Get toned!

Here’s how your clients talk:

I just want to play with my kids without keeling over and dying.

Here's what happens when you don't speak your client's language:


Recap: Always speak in your client's language.

So, if you aren’t making 6 figures year in and year out, you’ve got two issues:

  1. You’re not selling something people actually want to buy.

  2. You’re not speaking in your client’s language so they actually buy.

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Your Business Is Not Your Soulmate.

I’ve found the next perfect pyramid scheme I mean, network marketing opportunity to get involved with. It’s selling a magic pill for everyone who wants to become the most spiritual person they know. Those searching for the connection to the universe. Activating their highest self and living there. Awakening the Goddess within. Becoming at one with the universe.

It’s called ayahuasca.

Yes, I had to google ‘that hippie drug from Peru’ to even know what it’s called, because even though I’ve tried to convince you I’m cool, I’ve still got nerd inside me.

What? You haven’t heard of it? You’ve been sniffing essential oils instead? Oh.

Drink up for divinatory and healing purposes.

You’re laughing at me aren’t you? Think I’m ridiculous? Good. But that’s what you’re doing right now when it comes to success in your business.

You think in order to run a successful business you need to drink up some funky tea, download divine insights into your perfect purpose-led life and create your business from your ultra-spiritual experience. Or else.

You think you need to bypass being human and ascend into your business archetype. Or else.

You think you need to figure out your soul purpose, your reason for being here on this planet if you’re ever going to run a successful business. Or else.

Or else you may as well quit now, firmly place your tail between your legs and bail back to corporate.


You’re not trying to launch a freaking space rocket to the star people.

You’re setting up a successful business.

That pays the bills.

So you can in fact live your life purpose.

Your business doesn’t need to be your soul journey to your life purpose to be successful.

Exhibit A: Me circa January 2014.

Let me take you back to the start of that year, when I was soooo over my business. The year prior was a constant search for ‘alignment’ and ‘life purpose’ with my work, to the point where my business was packing its suitcase, ready to bail on me.

Why? Because my business was sick of the pressure of being the only thing in the entire world that’s supposed to ‘ascend me to my highest self’, have me levitate off the floors and make all the money.

It seemed that everywhere I looked, and every piece of advice I got, people were warning me that if I didn’t consider my business to be my soulmate, as in I thought it was ‘the one’ and I was ready to get down on bended knee, marry it, start a family with 2.3 kids and move out to the suburbs, then it was going to fail epically.

Well, it turns out that trying to run a business that was supposed to be my soulmate just wasn’t working for me either.

Read: The. Money. Wasn’t. Coming.

And if you tell me it’s because I wasn’t aligned one more time, I will resort to throwing things at you.

Bottom line: I was over this ‘path’ to success. The path that said choose your business over your life, because if your business was aligned it would be all you ever needed.

Because trying to turn my business into my soulmate wasn’t making me money, I flipped the bird to that advice and looked at my business as an entity with the sole purpose of making me money so I could do fun things in my life.

I wanted my business to let me live my life. I didn’t want it to be my whole entire life. And the only way I knew how was to look at my skills. Actual skills I had accumulated over the 10 years of studying and working in the corporate world.

The rap sheet looked like this: Marketing skills. Communication skills. Copywriting skills.

And so I built my business around being a marketing consultant.

That’s it.

That’s all I cared about.

My life purpose, as far as I was concerned, was to have fun.

Some would say that maybe my business wasn’t aligned. I say it was aligned for a successful business model. Aligned to do everything I wanted, have all the fun, play hooky lots of days, travel multiple times.

Aligned to keep me entertained.

Aligned to keep making money.

Aligned to let me show up and become a writer.

Guess what? That ‘not so aligned’ route that I took worked, you guys.

I succeeded in creating a business that had nothing to do with my life purpose. And it was growing successfully.

Talk about being an anomaly.

No, I didn’t need some big dramatic life purpose reason and ‘why’ behind my business.

I had a business vision: make money so I can live life.

Vision complete.

The only thing I needed in order to complete my vision and set up and run a successful business was a skill. A skill I was confident in. Something I could sell.

Coupled with the determination to make enough money no matter what to go to NYC for a month.

And the additional skill in knowing how to communicate to my customers why I was the worthy choice.

Ta daaaaaaaaa. The recipe for business success.

Before I discovered my own secret herbs and spices, I believed my business needed to be my life purpose. In that pursuit, I burnt my business to the ground while searching for the perfect business vision.

Not physically because who owns a bricks and mortar business these days and can actually pull that off without the police getting involved?

Metaphorically speaking, I burnt it to the ground by giving it the finger and turning my back on it.

I didn’t show up for my business for a couple of months so neither did the cash. Or the clients. Or the community.

And fair enough, if I wasn’t showing up, why should they?

When I finally stopped trying to turn my business into a soulmate that was letting me down, and turned it into a business that makes money so I could live, I started showing up again. And after months off and no traction, I got paid exactly two weeks later.

So, how did I turn my burnt out ashes of a marketing business into a Dumbledore style phoenix and get paid in two weeks? I showed up and wrote about marketing every day. I wrote a new article, I pitched my services at the end, and I shared it.

With everyone.

I showed up. Every day. Writing. Sharing. There. Selling. Every day for two weeks.

No, I didn’t sit there dreaming of my life purpose. I showed up in my business, did my business activities, then shut the laptop down and got out there and lived my life.

So, dear spiritual coach, put down the ayahuasca tea and look at your business through the eyes of what skill you can sell today. Then get out there and sell it.

Save your divinity-seeking experiments for your fun trip to Peru instead of turning it into your business strategy.

The takeaway here is this:

If you’ve got some mad skills, such as knowing how to do taxes like the back of your hand, and it’s fun enough to do, you can make good money doing it and being your own boss too.

Sure, taxes aren’t sexy, but the money you see coming in when you’re at the spa at 10AM is.

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Business Model You

Tell me the only way to do business. I’ll show you the exact opposite. Done successfully.

For every business owner who tells you being strategic is the best business model and I’ll find 10 others who’ll swear by the intuitive business model.

For every business owner who swears by planning and batching you’ll find 10 who promote winging it, downloading divine messages as they come.

For every 3 part video series is a webinar only launch formula.

And for every launch there’s an evergreen.

At first it can feel like you’re drowning in a sea of information.

Paralysed by who to listen to. What action to take.

But that’s now how I see it.

I see it as liberating.

Look at it this way.

The path to success has no signposts.

You can do it one way. All the ways. Your way.

If you tried being intuitive and it was so stressful being reactive everyday, switch to batching.

If the idea of writing a month’s worth of content makes your heart stop for a second, then don’t do it. Just write daily and see what happens.

It’s not the model that matters.

It’s the communication that matters.

Success comes to those who are able to make people feel the feels when they read.

Excited. Inspired. Entertained.


They think about the human who is reading the words they write. That’s right. It’s not just a list of numbers on a newsletter. They’re real, human people. And they’re probably in bed reading your email first thing in the morning.

Waiting for something. Connection. Anything real from one human to the next.

They all want to feel seen. To feel heard. To feel understood.

To feel that what they want is real, and valid. And possible for them.

If you can make your people feel any or all of those things, you can take your pick of business models and you’ll be insanely successful.

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Burnt Out By 30

The middle of 2013.

A massive breakup.

A business I burnt to the ground.

My life screeched to a halt.

The clients dried up.

The money dried up.

The happiness dried up.

I didn't want to show up anymore.

I was over how demanding my business was.

I was exhausted, heartbroken, and burnt out.

So I bailed.

I found the equivalent of sinking into the couch and ignoring life by going to live with my parents on their yacht for 2 months.

Nothing but parental love to nurse me back to life.

No traction. No direction. No plan.

I stopped hustling.

I started travelling.

I got happy.

With my inner game mastered, it was time to reevaluate my business.

I was over the whole heart-fuelled business bullshit of finding your big why and life purpose and attempting to make coin off that. I tried. It got me burnt out by 30.

I didn't want my business to be my life, so I opted for something that no one ever talks about.

I went for selling a skill set as my one and only focus.

Marketing consultant.

I studied it. I was good at it. I was confident.

People got results working with me.

So I picked my industry: Small business owners.

I picked my style: Marketing the human behind the business.

It was decided.

I showed up every damn day writing content about marketing, how important marketing was, and why people needed marketing.

Every day for 2 weeks I wrote new content.

I showed up.

I emailed my list.

I shared it on my socials.

The results?

Day 1: New number. Who dis?

Day 2: Unsubscribes.

Day 3: Crickets.

And on it went until day 14.

Day 14: I got one client.

After 4 months of radio silence, it took 14 days to get a client.

I kept showing up and I got another one soon after.

And the traction began.

I was back in business.

Full time.

The more content I wrote, the more money I made.

I decided I wanted to become a copywriter, so I did.

I started writing content about copy, how important copy was, and why people needed copy.

The first email I sent out I got a copywriting client.

I wrote new content.

I showed up.

I emailed my list.

I shared it on my socials.

The results?

Booked out in a month.

The agency was born.

I’m not a magical unicorn who gets her strength from drinking the salty tears of virgins.

I’m not an anomaly.

I’m the norm.

Even if you haven't emailed your list in months, you can make money off every word you write.

Even if you've been inconsistent with your communication, you can make money off every word you write.

Even if you've got nothing to say, you can make money off every word you write.

Bottom line.

You should be making money off every word you write. Otherwise, you’re leaving money on the table.

The reason your content isn’t making you cash is because you haven’t created consistent aligned content with your sales + business goals.

Your content is your cash.

But one email isn’t going to cut it.

Your consistency is the cash machine that spits out big bucks on demand.

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The Slut Solution

You can plan all you want.

You can complete pages upon pages of client avatars and target markets and ideal client worksheets. And you can devise the exact seven step signature service to take clients from sad loser to happy winner. And you can map out your marketing until you’ve got yourself a solid business plan.

But the truth is.

You’re creating your business in a bubble.

And you can’t really know what’s going to happen to your shit hot plan until you put it in the market place and see the reaction.

Because what if after all that planning it bombs? What if no one buys? What if you wasted months planning and prepping only for people to silently unsubscribe?

And how can you guarantee you'll make enough sales this month?

Enter: The Slut Solution.

You offer a bunch of things people want.

You get on calls with people.

You ask them exactly what they want.

You create a solution to give them exactly what they want.

You get paid. They get what they want.

Win. Win.

Do enough of these calls and you’ll start to see trends.

Trends in triggers, in language, in offers that sell like hotcakes, and the ones that bomb.

Which means when it comes selling, you've found your proven formula.

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Grumpy Cat Knows Branding Better Than You.

You’re a total boss at your business.

You keep in touch with your community. 'Cause you're awesome like that.

It's not always easy to keep things fresh though. Honestly, you're so bored with repeating the same message over and over again you think about stabbing your eye with a blunt fork. For funsies.

I mean, there’s only so much you can say about that thing you’re a freaking genius at.

Broken record: You.

Sometimes you start to wonder if you should diversify, ya know, become the ultimate slashie. Social media manager slash heart surgeon. Just so you have something new to talk about.

But you know what they say about being a jack of all trades, right?

A master of none.

And that just doesn't suit you.

Because you're a fucking master at what you do!

Which is why it's important to remember when marketing your business, consistency is key.

Look at Grumpy Cat.

RIP little grump x.

Like Oscar the Grouch + Eeyore before him, he stayed grumpy through it all, and that's why we love him.

We all knew that when we needed a disapproving glare or reality check, Grumpy Cat was there for us.

Do you think Grumpy Cat ever woke up + decided he didn’t want to be grumpy anymore?!

No way! He knew his strengths and rolled with it, and you should do exactly the same.

Keeping things fresh can still be a challenge, so check out this Freshly Baked Sales blog for tips.

You are totally boss at what you do.

Grumpy Cat will forever be the boss of being grumpy.

Own it. Use it. Sell it.

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How The Hell Do You Write With Emotion?

Sometimes I sound like a broken record but listening to Blank Space on repeat is the only way I can sing Taylor Swift with 100% accuracy at karaoke night.

What I'm about to say you've probably heard, but trust me when I say you need to hear it again:

People buy based off emotion. Then, they use logic to justify the purchase after their initial emotional yes.

So, the question isn't how do I get people to buy? Because der, emotional copy.

The question becomes so, how the hell do I write emotional copy?!

The answer:

Show. Don’t tell.

Show your people their truth.

Which example below makes you feel something?

Exhibit A:

I am a documentary style photographer who loves unconventional, messy real life shots, because that’s real life.

Exhibit B:

The kids spilt the milk again. The clean clothes are piled high on the couch. And still, the sweet sound of laughter fills the air. You lean back on the kitchen counter with your cold coffee, finally able to drink it after playing with the two. These are the moments you’re going to miss the most. But I won’t let you.

Exhibit B is emotional writing.

We've picked the truth of the client - their morning routine - and we've described their story in short heart-punching sentences.

That's all you need to do.

Remember: Storytelling is great, but you can write emotionally without it having to be an entire story. Just a snapshot. A sentence. An image that you paint with your words.

Simply painting a snapshot of what their Monday morning looks like is enough.

When you can master showing people instead of telling them, you’ll see emotion popping off the page. Your people will start reaching out to you and paying you. Because people buy based on emotion.

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What Would Your Highest Paid Advisor Do?

“What would Taylor do?” I said, looking over to Eddie on the way to the supermarket.

Taylor is one of my characters for my new movie. She wears wayfarer sunglasses, red lipstick slightly out of the lip line, and forever messy hair.

She’s my hero. She’s the chair of my board of directors. She serves up the code of conduct for truly living your best freaking life.

She’s my new life coach.

Because Taylor knows deep in her bones how damn important it is to make money doing something she loves.

She has goals.

Big ball goals that drive everything she does.

So I can totally relate to Taylor on that level.

But it’s EVERYTHING ELSE that happens outside of working towards her goals that makes me so freaking jealous.

She plays.

She takes chances. She makes mistakes. She fucks up. BIG TIME.

But she figures it out. Because she has to.

She lives in the stolen moments that exist in the spaces between the bigger goal.

And I don’t.

Last Thursday night I found two last minute tickets to see Shawn Mendes in Melbourne. I’d been on the look out for three days. I had a friend who was ready to go.

Nothing showed up. Until I got a email at 8.10pm.

Two tickets with my name on them. Shawn starts at 8.30pm.

It takes me exactly 20 minutes to get to the venue.

The stars aligned.

I called my friend. She bailed.

You know what I did?

I hesitated.

I said no.

I didn’t go.

I played it safe.

I sat down on the couch and said one day, in the future, I’ll go see Shawn Mendes.

You know what Taylor would have done?

No hesitation. HELL YES!

She would have taken one ticket. Met the guy at the gig. Made a rad friend. Danced all night. And recounted the story over brunch the next day with friends.

Yes I’m a driven as fuck business owner.

Yes, I’m so damn good at keeping our eye on the prize. The big ticket.

Yes I’m so disciplined at cracking the next income level, making more, paving my own way. Because I can do big hard things.

But holy shit do I suck at living in the spaces between. But that’s exactly where life happens.

And it’s where the tickets to see Shawn are found.

I guess what I’m trying to say is,

Say yes to your big goals.

But don’t forget to say yes to your small ones too.

Because you know what I notice in business? People say yes to their big goals all the time. It’s written all over the journal and their newsfeed. I will scale to 6-figure months. I will become a highly sort after international speaker. I will write a New York Times best selling book.

Which I’m all about.


But they totally forget that the path of least resistance to making it happen - to truly having it all - is when you focus on the smaller goals.

Small goals like emailing your list every week to remind them how freaking amazing you are, so they’re constantly ready to pay you.

Small goals like the speaker sales page on your website that tells the world - and yourself - you’re ready.

Small goals like saying yes to the Shawn Mendes ticket and letting it inspire you to write stories that sell.

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Freshly Baked Sales. How To Write Words That Sell Instead Of Send People To Sleep

Sourdough. I prefer mine chargrilled and drizzled with olive oil, personally. Usually topped with heirloom tomatoes, avocado, chilli, and coriander.

Yeah. I’m a breakfast wanker. But if going to eat carbs, I’m going to eat them right.

There’s nothing worse than bread that’s been sitting in the fridge for a week. I won’t touch it. Not even for toast.

And there’s nothing worse than words that have been sitting on your website for much longer.

Stale words.

They make our brains yawn.

Which sucks because no matter how powerful your message is, no one’s paying attention.

It’s not going to hit them in the heart. It’s not going to have an impact. It’s not going to sell.

Let’s replace those stale words with freshly baked, and hot out of the oven words.

How To Freshly Bake Your Words:

1. Replace the summary with excruciating detail.

Summary word: coffee

Detailed description: Wet beans that cost $4.75.

Summary phrase: When I’m not writing words, I’m Netflix and chilling.

Detail description: When I’m not writing words, I’m snuggled into the Homer-Simpson-sized butt dent in my couch, studying up on other people’s scripts, which just so happen to get made into TV shows and I can stream for $15 a month.

Summary idea: Live your best life.

Detailed description: Never ever have to wake up to the sound of a rude ass alarm that’s beeping at you to rinse and grind. Ew.

2. Take your cliche and switch out the ending.

Cliche: I wouldn’t trade it for the world

Fresh endings:

I wouldn’t trade it for all the homemade tiramisu in Italy.

I wouldn’t trade it for $1 shot night at the local.

I wouldn’t trade it for all the cheesy margarita pizza.

Cliche: Have your cake and eat it too.

Fresh endings:

Have your cake and eat it with no regard for serving sizes.

Have your cake and don’t forget the ice cream too.

Have your cake and enjoy every single spoonful.

3. Slide-in some side notes.

In real life, when you’re telling a story you go off on tangents constantly. Add in a side note or tangent.


So I’m getting down and dirty with a sales page makeover session. Kind of like that one time, at band camp.

The results speak for themselves. And is it just me, or is the 5:2 diet all the rage with the parentals? I mean my uncle does it, my parents do it, Eddie’s family friends do it. They definitely know their niche is all I’m saying.

People buy people. So you better show some personality. Sure, you might not want to tell the whole world about your sex dream with Harry Styles, but you need to give your people something.

4. Rewrite time

Head on over to your sales page, have a read through, find one yawn-worthy word, phrase, or idea and rewrite it using one of the techniques above.

5. Publish!

Be the char-grilled sourdough drizzled in olive oil of your industry. It sells every time.

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Shadow Banning. Algorithms. Organic Reach. Game The System Once And For All.

Shadow banning. Algorithms. Organic reach is now a mythical unicorn.

Every day we battle our social media platforms to get our posts seen and our offers sold.

Game the system once and for all.

It’s called email.

But it’s not enough to just slap an email together. Because junk mail exists and trust me when I say the first thing I do when I open my inbox is scan out the blatant trash that interrupts the main event.

The main event being emails from people I actually care about.

Emails that entertain me. Emails that understand me. Emails that sell me what I want.

Because you can bet your ass I love it when Seed Heritage let me know there’s a goddamn sales on.

We all love being sold to when it’s done right.

Imagine writing emails that are the Super Bowl instead of the 30 second sales pitch at half time?

Become the stand out in an inbox full of snake oil salesman.

The 3 reasons why your emails end up in the junk folder, get deleted, or people unsubscribe, and you ultimately lose the sale.

1. Copy.

The actual words. On the page. The story that doesn't hit the heartstrings. The 5 tips that don't give value. The article where you sit on the fence opinionless. The problems you never solve.

2. Consistency.

You’ve got a mailing list but haven’t sent a single email in the 9 months since you started. So you write a sales email and your list goes who dis? It's the equivalent of the dickhead friend who calls once a year to ask if you'll help them move house.

3. Charisma.

You’re the wet mop of personalities. You’ve bleached your personality out so much people are starting to call you a serial killer behind your back. People open your email only to access the archive button.

Want our help? Check out our services here >>

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The Rules You Should Rebel Against

In Hollywood, there are so many rules when it comes to getting your boobs through the door, and I’m not talking about becoming a size 0.

Take getting a manager, for example.

The rules are:

✖️ No cold emailing.

✖️ You need to be recommended + introduced to your manager by someone.

✖️ The manager is the gatekeeper to production companies.

The industry is, like, so serious, you guys. 🙄

You can bet your ass I’ll be following those rules to get a manager.

But you know what else I’m going to be doing?

💅 Cold emailing managers I’m cherry picking.

💅 Speaking directly to talent.

💅 Doing everything I can to open my own damn gates.


Because rules were made to get black out drunk and forgotten.

There’s always another way.

And it’s the same with your business.

The fact you’re in business means you’re already the exception to the rule. It’s time to break the rules to bend the odds in your favour.

🙅‍♀️ Never feel pigeon-holed into doing what the popular kids are doing.

🙅‍♀️ Never feel like the only way you can sell is high ticket if you want to do a membership.

🙅‍♀️ Never settle for one way.

Are you ready to rebel against the rules of business that are holding you back?

💸 Want a website that sells while you sleep? Rebel against the idea that websites don’t sell.

💸 Want to make $5k from every single email you send? Rebel against the idea that emails are dead.

💸 Want to be seen as the go-to expert in your industry using social media? Rebel against the idea that social media is a business killer.

Stand out from behind the safety of your desk and get paid.

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Why No One Is Buying Your Services

The problem isn't your lack of abundance or mindset or whether you're enlightened enough to make the sale.

The problem is you're not selling what people want.

For real now.

You went on a journey.

You studied.

You got the life experience.

And as you applied all your learnings, you grew.

Into a better version of who you were when you started.

With all the insight and awareness and Queen status.

And now you want to teach/guide/support/help others to get to where you are.

Because life's just way better where you're at right now.

You're so damn evolved.

You hate talking about losing weight because you've learnt that it's when you focus on loving yourself that the weight drops off.

You hate talking about making more money because you've learnt that it's when you focus on connecting with people the money flows.

You hate talking about how to find your husband because you've learnt that the only want to do that is to find yourself first.

So your copy changes.

You start talking about loving yourself when you're a personal trainer.

You start talking about networking when you're a business strategist.

You start talking about finding your truth when you're a relationship coach.

And no one buys.


Because you aren't selling them what they want.

You're selling them what you think they need.

And no one wants to spend money that.

What does your target market actually want?

Sell them that.

That's it.

Once they pay you, you can laugh like an evil genius because as you start giving them what they want, you'll also give them what they need.

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