What Would Your Highest Paid Advisor Do?

“What would Taylor do?” I said, looking over to Eddie on the way to the supermarket.

Taylor is one of my characters for my new movie. She wears wayfarer sunglasses, red lipstick slightly out of the lip line, and forever messy hair.

She’s my hero. She’s the chair of my board of directors. She serves up the code of conduct for truly living your best freaking life.

She’s my new life coach.

Because Taylor knows deep in her bones how damn important it is to make money doing something she loves.

She has goals.

Big ball goals that drive everything she does.

So I can totally relate to Taylor on that level.

But it’s EVERYTHING ELSE that happens outside of working towards her goals that makes me so freaking jealous.

She plays.

She takes chances. She makes mistakes. She fucks up. BIG TIME.

But she figures it out. Because she has to.

She lives in the stolen moments that exist in the spaces between the bigger goal.

And I don’t.

Last Thursday night I found two last minute tickets to see Shawn Mendes in Melbourne. I’d been on the look out for three days. I had a friend who was ready to go.

Nothing showed up. Until I got a email at 8.10pm.

Two tickets with my name on them. Shawn starts at 8.30pm.

It takes me exactly 20 minutes to get to the venue.

The stars aligned.

I called my friend. She bailed.

You know what I did?

I hesitated.

I said no.

I didn’t go.

I played it safe.

I sat down on the couch and said one day, in the future, I’ll go see Shawn Mendes.

You know what Taylor would have done?

No hesitation. HELL YES!

She would have taken one ticket. Met the guy at the gig. Made a rad friend. Danced all night. And recounted the story over brunch the next day with friends.

Yes I’m a driven as fuck business owner.

Yes, I’m so damn good at keeping our eye on the prize. The big ticket.

Yes I’m so disciplined at cracking the next income level, making more, paving my own way. Because I can do big hard things.

But holy shit do I suck at living in the spaces between. But that’s exactly where life happens.

And it’s where the tickets to see Shawn are found.

I guess what I’m trying to say is,

Say yes to your big goals.

But don’t forget to say yes to your small ones too.

Because you know what I notice in business? People say yes to their big goals all the time. It’s written all over the journal and their newsfeed. I will scale to 6-figure months. I will become a highly sort after international speaker. I will write a New York Times best selling book.

Which I’m all about.


But they totally forget that the path of least resistance to making it happen - to truly having it all - is when you focus on the smaller goals.

Small goals like emailing your list every week to remind them how freaking amazing you are, so they’re constantly ready to pay you.

Small goals like the speaker sales page on your website that tells the world - and yourself - you’re ready.

Small goals like saying yes to the Shawn Mendes ticket and letting it inspire you to write stories that sell.


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