The Blog

Having been in business for the past decade, sometimes I put on a blazer and call myself The Business Bitch. From business advice to selling to marketing and a lot about copy.

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How To Create A Bunch Of Content Ready To Go That People Actually Read

You sit down to write an email to send to your community. Against all odds, you stared down the blank page and won. You sit on your throne, like the Content Queen you are.

You hit send.

You look at your watch. Time to write your post for LinkedIn, social media, and potentially your blog too. Your brain pulls out a metaphorical gun and holds your creativity hostage.

‘Give me a coffee, salted caramel chocolate, and a goddamn break - or your creativity gets it’

Your motto is always to negotiate with terrorists so you do exactly as demanded.

The result? One email goes out. And your social media accounts drift off into the cyberspace.

What if I told you there’s a secret in the marketing world that no one talks about but everyone’s doing. And it’s a lifesaver when it comes to creating consistent content that people actually read.

It’s called repurposing.

So, what is repurposing?

It’s taking one piece of content and making slight tweaks and edits to it (if necessary) before sharing it across your platforms.

Why repurpose?

Well, repurposing content leads to more content—quality content that people actually want to read and then BUY THINGS—and the more of that you have online, the greater your online presence will be.

And why not write fresh content every single day?

Because it's a total drain. On your energy, your time, and your creativity. It’s time to work smarter, not harder.

There’s a marketing rule that says people need to be exposed to your message 7 times before they say yes. Whether you believe magical number 7 or not, we can all agree that people need to be exposed multiple times to a message before receiving it and taking action on it.

It’s time to start repurposing content regularly.


The way to repurpose content isn’t to start with an email or a blog or a social media post in mind. It’s to start with a message.

This message is compatible with emails, blog posts, LinkedIn, and socials so you can write it once and use it for the entire week, sharing your content across all platforms.

Each message can give you 8 posts to share across all your platforms.

Let's goooooo.

Repurpose 1: The Blog Post

Always publish to your website first and get your content indexed by Google. Then, repurpose it elsewhere. Doing this means that Google sees the source of the content and gives that credit to your website rather than to social media platforms.


The title so it’s search engine friendly.

The call to action so it’s evergreen and timeless.

Repurpose 2: The Email

After you’ve posted on your blog, it’s time to send the message to your mailing list. Treat your current community like royalty + they’ll be walking advertisements for you. That means giving them first dibs of your message every time.


The subject line so it’s intriguing enough to open.

The call to action so it’s got built-in urgency.

Repurpose 3: LinkedIn + Medium

When you write a post on Medium, it removes the face of your content - that's you + your brand. What that looks like is, whenever someone reads something on Medium they end up saying “I read this article on Medium” not “I read this article written by you.’

It’s the same thing with LinkedIn

So use Medium + LinkedIn to promote your blog.


End your article with a call to action and text that points back to the original content on your site.

Repurpose 4: The Socials

Now it’s time to repurpose on social media. You can take the entire message and repurpose across all platforms.


Remove references to emailing / inbox / hitting reply.

Repurpose 5: The Stand Out Quote

There’s always going to be a golden nugget of wisdom in your message. A truth bomb that stands out. When you find it, repurpose it.


Take the truth bomb quote, share it.

Repurpose 6: The Story Snippet

Most messages have a story element to them. The start of this post? It’s a story about you writing content. Use this to build connection.


Take the story section of your message and add to it.

Repurpose 7: The Education Snippet

As a thought leader of your industry, there’s always a teaching moment in most messages you write. Use this to educate.


Remove everything else and only share your educational tips

Repurpose 8: The Engagement Snippet

Every single message you write should have a call to action at the end. It doesn’t have to sell every time, it could be a question you ask or the next step they should take. Use this to spark a conversation.


Take the question or call to action at the end of your message and use it on social media.

When you start practising this method of content creation, you’ll have more than enough content to show up every single day of the year across all your platforms without spending all your time and energy doing so.

Remember, it’s not about creating more.

It’s about writing it once and repurposing it across all your platforms to get your message across.

Make content creating great again.

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Two Things 99% Of Coaches Do That Make Selling Damn Hard.

o you ever feel like you’re stuck in a coach-ception situation?

It feels like the only kind of coaches that are successful are coaches coaching coaches.

Say that three times quickly.

You want to know why coach-ception exists?

Because coaching is a hard sell.

What? You thought this was going to be inspirational? Try educational.

Consider this your a-ha moment for the day.

Because there are two things 99.99% of coaches do that make selling damn near impossible.

Mistake One: You're Selling The Process.

Coaching is a process. It’s a skill. But people don’t buy processes.

They buy the result of the process.

The goal, achieved.

The problem, solved.

The dream, made.

Which brings me to mistake two.

Mistake Two: You’re Selling High Level Lofty Concepts.

Can you please stop trying to sell things like

dream life
life purpose

Because no one is ever going to spend their hard-earned cash on any of those terms.

They want solutions. They want outcomes. They want to achieve their dream.

They want results.

I would never pay someone to coach me into living my most authentic life. But I'd pay all the money in the world to a script consultant to help me polish my latest rom-com movie so I can sell it.

Which is me living my most authentic life.

Those big high level lofty concepts aren’t spend-worthy if you don’t make the connection to the real world.

How does something like confidence actually change your ideal client's day to day?

Your people aren't going to sit down and try to figure out how confidence is going to improve their life, and then come to the conclusion that by spending money on their confidence issues, they’ll be able to get a promotion.

See what I did there?

High level loft concept that doesn’t sell: Confidence.

Real life result that sells: Getting a promotion.

Here’s the kicker:

It’s your responsibility to show people the real life result.

It’s not your clients responsibility to sit down and uncover the mysteries of how your high level lofty concept is going to give them the dream solution result.

Because no one sits down to logically convince themselves to pay you.

People buy based on emotion.

So, where do you start if your brain has been completely washed with big lofty coaching terms that mean something to you but nothing to the person who’s supposed to pay you?

You ask yourself the most important question when writing for selling:

How is what I’m selling going to help someone get up and live in the real world every single day?

If your answer is: Being connected to my truth gives me freedom.

I’m going to say: What’s the point of freedom? What does freedom look like in my daily life?

And if you say: Freedom is getting up every Monday morning for the rest of your life never experiencing Monday-itis again…

I’ll say: Now you’re getting it.

Because that’s worth paying someone for.

See what I did there?

High level loft concept that doesn’t sell: Freedom.

Real life result that sells: Curing Monday-itis.

What I’m saying here is get specific.

Give me a real life everyday example of how this ‘freedom’ is going to help your ideal client.

No one buys coaching for the sake of coaching.

And how the hell is being ‘connected to my truth’ going to help me in my career, with my husband, with my friends, with my body, with getting to work everyday, with finding a car park, with dinner at the in-laws, with that monthly meeting with my boss.

With all the life things I have to do everyday, how are any of those big loft concepts going to help me?

If you can’t specifically paint that picture to someone, they aren’t ever going to buy what you’re selling.

If you can’t seem to sell coaching, it’s not you.

It’s a high level lofty concept issue.

Because here’s what I do know to be true.

You do solve problems.

You do turn dreams into reality and give people real results.

But your copy isn’t painting that picture.

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The Quickest Way To Make Cash Today

Marketing is all about building connection. Clients are all about connection too.

There are two types of marketing in the online business world at the moment.

One is broadcast marketing.

That's when you're blogging, you're on social media, you're emailing your list. You're doing all the content and if I were a betting woman I'd say that you're currently broadcast marketing.

Go you! Marketing! Whoop!

Don't roll your eyes at me just because no one's buying right now.

Here's the deal.

Broadcast marketing takes time.

And how quickly you get clients will depend on how skilled you are in writing words that sell.

There's another type of marketing.

One that fast tracks your connection and get clients today by getting personal.

I call it micro marketing, and it’s the quickest way to get fully booked.

How do you do it?

Find someone you want to work with.

Email them personally.

I did this when I first started my copywriting business 5 years ago, and I got 5 clients in a week.

It works.

The catch? You actually have to have the balls to go reach out to people.

To help you grow a pair, I've created 3 email templates for you to use.

Get personal. Get the sale.

Micro Marketing Templates:

Email #1:

Dear <first name>,

I’ve been thinking about your [something you love about them / a recent project they’ve done / a goal that you already know they have].

So I’m writing today with a wee proposition. Something that, I hope, sounds even more exciting than [something you know would excite them… a lot!]

It’s all about [list specific outcomes that you know this person is looking for].

I’d love to get on the phone with you about it all.

What do you think?


Email #2:


I’m seriously in love with your [latest blog post / new website / article / something this person has recently done that you noticed and loved].

You’re an inspiration and you’ve totally motivated me to [what you did with the motivation].

Thank you.

OK: onto the business of the day.

You’re getting this note because I know you’ve been wanting [list outcomes of what you know they want]

And well, I can help you get it. In fact, it would be pleasure to help you get [goals].

I’d love to jump on the phone to chat it out with you.

When are you free?

I can’t wait to hear from you!


Email #3:


If I was a betting woman, I’d say the number one problem you’ve got right now is [tell them their biggest issue].

No, I’m not a crazy stalker.

I just know my dream clients.

And I know that situation sucks.

The great news is, I’ve helped so many of my clients completely overcome [their specific issues] to achieve [their specific outcomes].

Which means I can help you too.

Happy dance!

I’d love to get on a quick call with you.

How does that sound to you?


Want to fast track your sales? Get your micro marketing on.

To quick cash in your bank account stat.

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How To Keep It Real Without Being A Massive Asshole.

This post is going to give you everything you need to keep it real without being an asshole. In three steps. Complete with emojis.

A few days ago I wrote about how fucking yawn it gets when you’re constantly slagging on your audience, finding their pain, rubbing it the wrong way, and telling them what a fuck up they are all in the name of Keeping It Real.

So how do you write content that lights a fire in your reader’s belly? How do you inspire purchases? How do you keep your street credit and keep 👏 it 👏 real without being an asshole?

Change. The. Target.

❌ Don’t target your audience.

✅ Target yourself, or
✅ Target an idea.

Two things happen when you switch targets.

1. When you target yourself, you become vulnerable. This is how you build connection with your community and those hot buzzwords know/like/trust. Translation: turn your readers into obsessed buyers.

2. When you target an idea, you showcase you’re the expert in your industry. This is how you build credibility and status. Translation: you grow your reach, influence, and community - bringing more clients to the yard.

Oh, and third bonus coming in hot. When you stop rubbing salt in the wound in an attempt to sell, you end up selling to McDreamy Clients only. Not the ones stuck in their drama.

So stop talking shit about your audience straight to their face. Talk shit about yourself or an idea instead and watch them jump onto the YOU bandwagon.

Because nothing brings people closer together than a common target to bitch about.

That's it.

Was it as good for you as it was for me?

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How To Win The Rest Of The Year

Welcome to 1 July 2020.

The third quarter.

Also known as the premiership quarter in a little sport called AFL.

Australian Rules Football is basically a bunch of really fit dudes running around after a ball in teeny short shorts and tight singlets that allow us to see their abs. It’s basically a giant thirst trap, oh and it's hardcore. I fucking love it.

Anyways, the third quarter is also known as the premiership quarter.

It’s the quarter that really matters.

The quarter that can make or break the game.

Stats show that if you can win this quarter, you're a real contender to win the Grand Final.

Which means:

You can mess up the first two quarters and still win.

You can be down by 6 goals at half time and still win.

You can hold on tight in the final quarter and fend off a comeback and still win.

But when the third quarter rolls around, you’ve got to show up with momentum and change the game.

Winning teams always win the third quarter.

Right now, it’s the beginning of the third quarter of your business.

You might be down 6 goals.

You might have been eating a shit sandwich for the last 6 months.

But that’s totally okay.

The last 6 months are NOT a precursor to what’s about to happen.

You can still win.

You can still have the best year ever.

This quarter is the moment that can make or break your year.

Win this quarter and win the year.

Ways to win?

Want my help? Check out our services here >>

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Your List Doesn't Miss You. But Your Sales Do.

So I’m on a call with a new client. She’s keen as mustard to get her email welcome series up and running. So am I. Those bad boys are how you build rapport, grow your business, and make sales. It's all about turning your cold leads into hot-under-the-collar obsessed buyers.

Being the nosy bitch I am, I ask what's the haps with her current community.

The answer: 2,000 on her list.

Not bad.

Before I talk about 5% conversions rates, she cuts me off.

'They haven’t heard from me in 6 months.'

'They don’t even know who I am.'

'They’re dead!'  

So naturally she wanted to delete every single contact from said dead list and start again.

Which I totally agreed with. Not.

Repeat after me: Do NOT delete your list just because you haven’t emailed them in 6 months. 

Now follow what I told my client to do.

How to re-engage your list:

1. Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry. 

The email should be relevant to the reason they signed up to your list. Not a topic about how you’ve been absent. Or that you’re finally back and you swear you’re going to be consistent. Or that the reasons you haven't emailed is because you went on a "soul-searching" ayahuasca trip in the Peruvian jungle.

Let’s circle back here on what to do:

Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry.

2. Send it.

That’s it.

I get it.

You’re scared. You think people will judge you. They’ll notice you haven’t been in their inbox. They’ll start a revolution against your business. They’ll put a hit out on you with the email marketing mafia for not being consistent.

Came down, drama person.

The actual things that’ll happen:

They unsubscribe. Guess what? This happens all the fucking time. Even when you are consistent. This is a non-event.

They’ll read it and be like: Woah, this mother trucker is rad. I’m going to keep opening their emails!

They’ll read it and hit reply and say: OMG I missed your emails. How can I pay you, stat?

So, if you haven’t emailed your list.

And you’re stalling your ass off because you’re trying to find the perfect poetry to write explaining your absence.


Ditch the sob story.

Write something relevant to your industry.

Send it.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them again this week.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them twice next week.

You’re back, baby!

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The 3 Writing Hacks That Will Sell ANYTHING [FREE Training!]

Your typing fingers are baller when it comes to writing to your bestie on messenger about Chris Hemsworth's Instagram feed.

So, why is that when you gossip to your friend on Facebook, your fingers can barely keep up? You’re on FIRE.

And why is it that when it comes to writing words for your business that actually sell for you, your fingers freeze? They’re dead frozen, firmly planted in the stationary position.

Writer’s block isn’t so cute when your business is relying on you to write words that sell. But every time you write with the intention to sell, you’re stumped.

Freaking frustrating as hell, right?

If your emails go a little like this:

Hey Prospect, 

OMG I’m soooo excited to launch my new service, check it out.

Love, Elizabeth


Or your Facebook status update is:

Hey Prospect,

I just got off the phone with another prospect and it was the best. Check out my services, 

Love, Elizabeth


Or your sales page is a little like this:

Imagine if you were living your dream life. Check out my new service.

Love, Elizabeth


Then I invite you to my brand new FREE online workshop

Writing For Selling: 

Get The 3 Writing Hacks To Radically Improve Your Sales, Clicks + Conversions - Instantly.

Whether it's an email, a sales page, or a Facebook status - learn how to write words that sell your services. It's FREE.

If you can't write words that sell then you can't sell... And if you aren't selling, you aren't making money, and if you aren't making money then your expensive hobby can’t pay you.

So where does that leave you?

And that’s where the anxiety-ridden, stressed-out, holy-fucking-hell, how-am-I-going-to-pull-this-thing-called-a-business off stress comes from, firmly putting you back into the writer’s block seat you were in previously.

But, I have a solution for you.

This special masterclass is for YOU if you want to finally start writing words that sell. Period.

Watch the workshop *rightthissecond* and start selling *rightthissecond*

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Launch Lessons From Taylor Swift

I can’t concentrate since Taylor put up the countdown to launch her new album over 12 days ago. She’s been dropping hints for weeks but we’re officially within 4 hours of new music and I. Can’t. Even.

You think I only reserve this level of excitement for Harry Styles?! You’d be right. Except Taylor.

I haven’t worked in a week.

I’m too distracted.

Checking her Instagram stories constantly. Falling down reddit rabbit holes. Reading into Taylor theories.

I am fucking obsessed.

I’ve timed my whole day today to revolve around the moment the music drops.

Now imagine your last launch.

If I was a betting woman I’d say you threw together a sales page and a bunch of posts for socials. And if you’re organised enough you probably did a webinar or a three part video series or a challenge to kick it off. Finishing off with an announcement email that enrolments were open.

And sure you got a few dedicated hardcore fans sign up.

But the first day numbers were underwhelming.

But it’s okay because everyone tells you that no one buys the first day anything drops.

Because they need to prepare themselves to purchase. They need to read the sales page more than once. They need to be convinced by your sales emails even more to buy from you.

And therein lies your problem.

You didn’t do the pre-launch work.

Taylor Swift planned a secret mural for months leaving clues for fans to find in Nashville on launch day. A bit over the top? We’ll discuss that after she smashes streaming records in the next 24 hours.

Taylor Swift changed her branding to match her new launch and sprinkled photos across her socials to whet the appetite. A bit extreme? How’s that for hardcore belief and trust in her launch that every single detail is aligned.

Taylor Swift started a countdown without any context over 12 days out. A bit drawn out? Enough time for everyone to clear their calendar for the exact moment to listen the moment it drops, not when the cart is closing.

Everything you do before the buy matters.

What Tay Tay’s done is prepare us to do exactly what she wants us to do at exactly the right time.

How have you prepared your people to purchase from you the moment you drop your course and not the moment the cart closes?

In the business world we’re all so quick to launch. Go hard and fast and figure it out later.

And I’m all for not procrastinating and launching something as soon as possible.

But 99% of you are missing out on sales because you’re missing out on the preparation.

 Your prelaunch is the key to your best launch ever.

One email isn’t going to cut it.

One webinar isn’t going to cut it.

One week long challenge isn’t going to cut it.

But consistent pre-launch content? That’ll send your audience into a buying frenzy.

So all you have to do is smile that beautiful smile and all the guys in the front row scream your name. That’s a White Horse throwback lyric reference for the serious Taylor fans.

But seriously, it’s time to take your launch out of the woods and into the profits now. And that’s a 1989 throw back lyric. Because masterpiece.

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The Hedgehog Scale Of Content

On a scale of hedgehog cake, how do you feel about writing content today?

Content can feel like a beast you want to drown out with bourbon instead of stare it in the eye, slap it across the face, and own it.

When you think of all the moving pieces, like emails, Facebook posts, Instagram stories, LinkedIn articles, and blog posts to keep people coming back to your website, it feels like climbing Mount Everest and you’re not even a hiker so basically fuck that.

So what happens next?

You bitch about writing content to your business bestie and all of a sudden Facebook ads for content planners descend on your newsfeed and you’re like, well played Facebook.

You click.

You have exactly 23 different content planners now.

And they’re all so damn serious.

*Robot voice*

  • You must post 3 times a day or else the algorithm will fuck you up.

  • You must find your brand content pillars and only write about them so help me god.

  • You must nail your social media bio or else people will judge you.


Shall we bail on this kind of content planning? Lets.

What’s missing in your whole content strategy right now comes down to three things:


Make content a pleasure. Not a punishment.

A pleasure for you to create. A pleasure for your people to engage with and then plot twist, PAY YOU!

Because it’s unsustainable to run a business that comes with a constant undercurrent of anxiety every time you need to post a damn freaking photo on Instagram?!


Entertain the pants off your people so they don’t even know they’re being sold to. And then when the buy now buttons shows up, they love you for it.

Become the Super Bowl instead of the 30-second sales pitch at halftime and you’ll never have to hard sell again.


Gone in 8 seconds.

That’s the average human attention span thanks to technology. This means you’ve got to captivate your audience long enough to break through the 8 second barrier and into attention-holding territory which is where the sales are made.

When you write content that’s pleasurable, entertaining and compelling, you have fun making money consistently.

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How To Re-Engage Your List After Ghosting Them For 6 Months

So I’m on a call with a new client. She’s keen as mustard to get her email welcome series up and running. So am I. Those bad boys are how you build rapport, grow your business, and make sales. It's about turning your cold leads into hot-under-the-collar obsessed buyers. 

Being the nosy bitch I am, I ask her about her current community.

The answer: 2,000.

Not bad. 

Before I talk about how with the right copy we’ll be converting about 5% of that list she cuts me off. 

They haven’t heard from her in 6 months. 

They don’t even know who she is. 

They’re dead. 

So naturally she wanted to delete every single contact from said dead list and start again. 

Which I totally agreed with. Not. 

Repeat after me: Do not delete your list just because you haven’t emailed them in 6 months. 

Now follow what I told my client to do.

How the re-engage your list. 

Step 1. Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry. 

The email should be relevant to the reason they signed up to your list. Not a topic about how you’ve been absent. Or that you’re finally back and you swear you’re going to be consistent. Or a big long winded reason as to why you haven’t emailed and the ayahuasca trip you took in the Peruvian jungle.  

Let’s circle back here on what to do:

Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry.

Step 2: Send it.

That’s it.

I get it. 

You’re scared. You think people will judge you. They’ll notice you haven’t been in their inbox. They’ll start a revolution against your business. They’ll put a hit out on you by the email marketing mafia to take you out for not being consistent.

Came down, drama person. 

The actual things that’ll happen:

  1. They unsubscribe. Guess what? This happens all the fucking time. Even when you are consistent. This is a non-event.

  2. They’ll read it and be like: Woah, this bitch is rad. I’m going to keep opening emails!

  3. They’ll read it and hit reply and say: OMG I missed your emails. How can I pay you?

So, if you haven’t emailed your list.
And you’re stalling your ass off because you’re trying to find the perfect poetry to write explaining your absence. 


Ditch the sob story.

Write something relevant to your industry.

Send it.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them again this week.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them twice next week. 

You’re back, baby.

Consistent communication gets you everything you want and more. 

It brings all the clients, cash, and opportunities to the yard.

Want our help? Check out our services here >>

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Why Sales Scripts Don’t Work

Scripts don’t work. Just ask my husband.

I’ll literally tell him word for word what to say.

“Hey babe, you’re heading to Hong Kong for 5 days, can you please say I’m going to miss the way you hog all the blankets and sleep like a starfish”

Or I’ll be like:

“Hey babe, I’m stressing out about my movie coming across as a cliche, can you please say your ability to dwell on the weird way you said hello to the neighbour this morning is a gift”

But you know what?

Every single time I give him the script to say, I’m never convinced when he actually says it.

I’m not buying what he’s selling.

And it’s the same thing when you use any kind of business script.

Your tone is completely off. Your energy is out of whack. You sound like a robot.


But the worst part of using a script? You come across completely inauthentic.

Your tone of voice is your fingerprint.

It makes you sellable.

Want to kill competition dead?

Love the sound of your own voice.

Want our help? Check out our services here >>

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The Productivity Hack To Get Approximately 23.5 Hours Of Your Day Back

Being productive isn’t some construct.

It’s world productivity day today. And no this isn’t an email to make you feel bad about yourself for not stepping up into your most productive self. Who’s kind of like your highest self except she’s got 50 different productivity apps open, 3 journals with three different to-do lists for business, home, and personal goals. And her whole entire life blocked out in batches she’s got no time to take a shit.

Look, I still haven’t mastered how to do it all, be it all, have it all. I don’t know how to write 3 scripts on the go, 2 books at once, see my personal trainer 3 times a week, have a social life, have a sex life, and run a copywriting agency.

But here’s what I’ve mastered.

Words that sell.

Your copy is your secret productivity hack you didn’t know existed.

When you have the right words.

You do less work.

So you’ve got more time.

Hello, time to write your books.

Hello, time to move your body, lose the business weight, and keep you sane.

Hello, time to take a dump without answering emails.

The two places to hack your productivity and write words that sell are your website, and your email welcome series.

Your emails are the most important online marketing tactic. Emails are personal. No one jumps on their emails when they’re in a social situation. And it's within the walls of their inbox that your audience will pay attention to you + pay you.

Build rapport, grow your business, and make sales.

Your website is your store front, your message calling card + your first and lasting impression.

It’s the place your people visit before they make their final decision to get on board + pay you. And once they hit your website, you’ve got seconds to make an impression that sells.

Bottom line: Your words are the ultimate productivity hack.

Get these right and your business will sell itself.

Want our help? Check out our services here >>

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How A Business Dare Resulted In 2 Clients + 7 Enquiries In 24 Hours

My business sister from another mister, Ashleigh sent me a Facebook message the other week.

Ashleigh: Guess What?

Me: What?

Ashleigh: I took your dare and reached out to 1 person who's been on my radar. No pitch. Pure Liam Hemsworth Effect.

Me: Heard back yet?

Ashleigh: WHOOP! New client! BOOYAH! AND JUST GOT PAID TOO!!!

Me: YAAYYY!!!!!!

Ashleigh: I sent out one email yesterday to my list using the Liam Hemsworth Effect. 5 applications and 2 email replies wanting to find out more.


Ashleigh: Whoooppp! Just got another client and waiting to hear back from 2 more.


I taught Ash about a copywriting trick I call the Liam Hemsworth Effect.

Here’s how it went down:

Dare One: I want you to imagine the celeb you’re crushing on sooooo bad right now. That guy….(LIAM HEMSWORTH) I want you to imagine you’re walking down the street and you see him 5 metres in from of you. Filming his new movie. One of the crew comes up to you and says: we need extras. we need you and 5 of your mates to be in the scene with Mr. Hemsworth that's starting in 30 minutes.

You're going to faint with excitement.

So you get out your phone to text your 5 best friends.

What do you say? Write it out for me.

Now, I want you to take that same excitement and write about offering your services to 5 people.

Ashleigh changed her energy around how she wrote what’s called a call to action -- a task that usually fills all business owners with dread. By changing the energy and intention behind selling their offerings, it became super easy and fun to do AND got results.

Then, I offered another dare: reach out to one person today who’s been on your radar and ask how you can help them in relation to your industry.

Really simple.


Hey XX

How’s everything going with you lately. I noticed you signed up to XXX/ saw your latest blog post and loved it // saw you checked into that new restaurant in town// saw you posted in the group about XXX.

How’s it all going?

How can I help you?

Soooo, Ashleigh implemented BOTH dares and within 24 hours got 2 new clients and 7 enquiries.

After scoring two new clients, Ash sent me another message:

‘It’s so weird! I literally have sent out emails before about FB Ads Boss and got like 1 or 2 applications who never write back. Then I sent out ONE that was me being all excited and even threw in a selfie and got 2 clients from it and 5 applications and 2 emails.’


The energy.

The intention.

The message.

The copy.

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Dumb Blonde Website

I want you to picture Chris Hemsworth. No, not Thor. The dumb blonde receptionist from the all-female Ghostbusters movie who found it extremely hard to do one job – answer the phone.

My body is very attracted to his body, but when he speaks my brain gets angry.

That’s like your website now.

You’ve got some hot photos. You might even have a banging logo. But your website has one job – to sell – and it can’t do it so you’ve got problems.

Now I want you to think of Chris Hemsworth. Thor. That hammer. Those biceps. He’s got one job – to save the universe – and he does it.s

That’s what your website should be doing for you.

Not just saving your sales, but converting like crazy.

Bringing in leads and income without you ever having to fiddle with the back end.

Sending you sales notifications while you drink your morning coffee.

It should be a sales machine.

And when it is a sales machine? You can spend your time doing client work and writing fun content for your community.

You never have to think about your website again knowing it’s working for you behind the scenes.

And when people - from potential clients to industry leaders - link from your guest podcast interviews, you need to know your website is putting your best foot forward.

That when you send people you meet to your website, it’s the full expression of your work and your truth. It’ll convert them to the Church of You. Because people buy people.

It’s all possible when you take your website off your to-do list and get it done and dusted once and for all.

Turn your website into your new staff member who shows up to work on time, never slacks off, doesn’t complain, brings zero drama, requests no sick days, is reliable AF, doesn’t need micromanaging, and whose superannuation / 401K you don’t have to pay.

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Speaking Your Truth Isn't Enough Anymore

Have you noticed how the internet continues to lose its shit about speaking your truth? I have.

Every day there’s someone coming out with their signature business strategy summed up as:

Get aligned and speak your truth.

Oh, your list isn’t responding? Time to start speaking your truth.

Oh, you’re not getting any sales? Time to start speaking your truth.

Oh, your business isn’t working? Time to start speaking your truth.

It’s not enough to speak your truth anymore.

You need to learn how to wrap that truth up, with personality-filled wrapping paper, and a big bow of your opinion, in order to slice through the noise of every other truth out there, and into the minds of your audience.

What I’m seeing with a lot of ‘truths’ is — and this is a technical term— they're piss weak and have nothing new or different to offer.

You’re not shaking up the status quo. (No, adding in a bunch of swear words doesn’t shake up anyone except maybe your grandma.)

You’re not saying anything with conviction.

The statements you're making are fluff.

You’re not willing to draw a line in the sand and say:

This is what I really fucking think. Period.

You’re not really saying anything worth noticing. And that’s why people aren’t noticing you.

It’s not because you’ve somehow skewered your truth and all of a sudden you need to dig deep and find the 'real' truth underneath the 'fake' truth which will become your secret weapon where you'll be able to blow up #truthbombs in people’s faces so finally, they pay you.

Your truth will not save your business.

The delivery of your truth will.

Or, as I like to call it:

Having an opinion.

Your opinion is the Beyonce of your business.

Fresh. Unapologetic. Decisive.

It will stand strong and tall when someone else comes along and has another opinion. And that will happen. But that’s the point.

Have an opinion and stand out in the sea of sameness.

Because your truth won’t save your business.

But your opinion is your make or break.

And as much as you’ve got higher truths to share, unless you can swallow that truth – your business will only remain a side gig.

Want our help? Click here to check out our services >>

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How To Turn Your Thank You Page It Into A Cash Cow

The Thank You Page. It's the page that immediately follows your lead magnet / opt-in page.

And *most* business owners have left their thank you page looking like an abandoned warehouse with generic images + basic ‘thanks for signing up’ copy.

The Thank You Page.

It's the page that immediately follows your lead magnet / opt-in page.

And *most* business owners have left their thank you page looking like an abandoned warehouse with generic images + basic ‘thanks for signing up’ copy.

Your thank you page is the fastest way to turn your new-found fan into a buyer.
 And not just a once-off ‘tight ass’ buyer.

Because the psychology of selling states that once people have bought from you they’re more likely to purchase something else. Even when they’ve purchased something that’s low-end.

So delivering an offer at a no-brainer HELL FUCKING YES price is where your business becomes a cash cow.

When you sell on your thank you page, two things happen:

  1. You accelerate your relationship with your buyer, meaning when it’s time to sell your core offer, they’re 10 times more likely to buy from you at your high-level offer.

  2. You’re making money automatically, passively. An internet marketer’s wet dream.

Sure. emailing is amazing. No doubt about it. Emails are my jam, but the truth about email is that 60% of your list (that's if you have an open rate of 30%) just don’t know what your core offer is. Yes, even after you nurture the relationship.

Emails get lost in cyberspace.

Emails get sent to promotions folders.

Emails get accidentally deleted before they’re even been read.

Turn your reader into a buyer on the thank you page and not only will you turn them into a raving fan, they’re 10 times more likely to purchase your big kahuna core offer.

10 new clients who buy a $20 offer.

Turn into 10 new clients who buy a $2,000 offer.

It all starts with the thank you page.

If you’re not selling something on your thank you page, you’re missing out.

If you’ve been spending money growing your list on Facebook but it seems to take your people FOREVER to make a purchase.

If you’re finally ready to start making automated passive income in your sleep.

If you’re ready to stop running a business that stops when you do.

You’re ready to create a thank you page offer. Also known as a tripwire offer.

Here’s where a lot of people get tripped up in what they should be offering on their thank you page.

They end up trying to upsell to an offer that isn’t right for where the buyer is at in the buying journey.

They end up trying to sell their big kahua offer. But those cold leads who’ve just signed up aren’t ready for that.

Your thank you page offer must follow naturally FROM your opt-in TO your big kahuna offer.

When you nail this, you get:

  • High-quality, low-cost opt-ins,

  • Sales immediately on your thank you page

  • And a list primed and ready to buy your big offer.

And that’s exactly how you get your business making money on autopilot.

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The Biggest Secret To Writing A Sales Page That Actually Sells. And It's Freaking Simple.

Yes, there’s a shittone of moving parts to a sales page buuuttt every single word +phrase + sentence + paragraph needs to be put through this one filter.

Yes, there’s a shittone of moving parts to a sales page buuuttt every single word +phrase + sentence + paragraph needs to be put through this one filter:

How do I make my prospect feel like they're missing out if they don't buy?

Get out your journal and explore that question. Don’t rush it. Spend time understanding the answer.

Here are three deep-dive questions to help you out:

  • What story do you have to tell?

  • What emotions do you have call upon?

  • What outcomes do you have to promise?

When someone feels like they're going to miss out on what you're selling, they sure as hell will start buying.

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When Copywriting Sucks And You Should Absolutely Not Hire A Copywriter

Early in my copywriting career, I went through a six-month period of firing SO MANY clients. No, I’m not an ass hat. I just got really clear on knowing when copywriting works. And when it doesn’t.

Early in my copywriting career, I went through a six-month period of firing SO MANY clients. No, I’m not an ass hat. I just got really clear on knowing when copywriting works. And when it doesn’t.

And it all comes down to three things you’ve got to know like the back of your hand.

Wondering whether you’re ready to hire a copywriter? Then let me call you the three-eyed raven, become all-knowing, and claim your business throne.

Because with or without a copywriter, you’re about to make some serious cash off the three knows.

The Three Knows

Know who you are.

At your core. What your values are. What you love. What you hate. What you stand for. What kind of personality you have. If you don’t know, you won’t recognise her on paper. And I’ll never be able to write copy you love. And we’ll never be able to get past this stage because you can’t articulate what’s wrong. Because you don’t know who you are.

Know what you’re selling.

The exact offer. What’s included. What’s not. How it’s delivered. What the expected outcomes are if people pay you. Your offer is well-thought out. You’ve got some feedback about it. You’ve done your market research. You know that you’re qualified to deliver this offer. Even if it’s a little scary. Without this, I can write a bunch of words but it won’t be anchored in inspired action.

Know what your people want.

Not what you think they need. Not what you wish they needed. Not what lights you up. Not what you’re passionate about. What the people you’re selling to actually want. It can be clear. And simple. And easy. I don’t need to know.

If you don’t know, now you know.

Knowledge is power. And you are powerful.

In the game of business, you either win, or you die.

And with these three knows, you’re already winning.

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How To Write Lead-Generating, List-Building Facebook + Instagram Ad Copy

The mission: Write a Facebook and Instagram ad that stops the scroll long enough to get your link clicked. Let’s do this.

Let’s break down your current situation. Meet Emma. Emma’s your ideal client. Emma’s on Facebook. Der. She’s not a monk living in enlightenment. She’s human.

Your business is on Facebook. Der. You’re not a monk living in enlightenment. You’re human.

Emma’s out at brunch. She’s scrolling through Facebook looking for something to entertain her while she waits for her Eggs Benedict to arrive. She barely takes her eyes off the screen while she takes a sip of her cappuccino. She’s scrolling through Facebook looking for something to entertain her.

Scrolling and scrolling, her thumb moves from top to bottom…

Oooo, stop. Rewind.

What was that? Hilarious mash-up of Rhianna songs narrating your week? Hahaha. Like.

And back to scrolling, she goes. On the hunt for something to hold her attention. And that post she's going to land on next could be your business.

The catch? Your business has about 0.5 of a second to get Emma’s attention, and then to keep it long enough to get her to click.

Your mission: Your ad needs to stop Emma scrolling in her tracks long enough to click your link.

Let’s do this.

The Secret To Facebook + Instagram Ad Copy That Gets Clicked + Costs You Less

Talk to a five-year old.

First, here’s what you need to know about Facebook Ads: Put your crafty, clever and compelling copy away.


They’re straightforward, to the point and even a little boring, that is to say: keep your clever to yourself. That ain’t going to get Emma to stop scrolling.

The Rules:

No flashy words. No clever brand-new trademarked way to say something. No snor-ies, that’s boring stories.

Imagine talking to a 5-year-old. That’s what we’re aiming for. We’re aiming to:

  1. Stop the scroll.

  2. Get Emma to want what you have and CLICK. That’s it.

Save your song and dance for the emails.

How To Write Facebook + Instagram Ads In 6 Steps

We’re going to focus on how to write the meaty bit of the ad that’s going to get you the click and cost you less.

Step 1. Make the first few words count

They will make or break your ad. It needs to grab their attention. It needs to present the single biggest pain point that your opt-in is solving.


With the correct targeting, that’s WHO you’re speaking to already. That’s the only person whose newsfeed you should show up in.

Don’t waste precious ad real estate on meaningless words. Get straight into their problem.

Say: Experts get paid. You’re an expert but you’re not getting paid.

Don’t say: If you already have more than ‘just enough’ money floating around in your bank account, then you don’t need this.

Say: THE BANE OF YOUR EXISTENCE. Your Achilles' heel. Money. Your relationship with money is affecting your whole life.

Don’t say: Every day someone sets a goal to lose weight, finally get in shape, and finally change their life. Are you one of them? And does your track record of actually achieving your goals fall flat?

Say: FREE How to Lose 5 lbs in 7 days with One Small Trick… and no, I’m not going to get you to eat weird herbs from Africa you can’t pronounce,

Got it? Awesome. Let’s move on.

Step 2. Focus on one specific problem.

Your opt-in is not the place to solve every single one of your client's problems. It’s the place to give them a quick win. And the only way to get a quick win is with something insanely easy to action.

It’s taking what your opt-in does at the core and making it super relevant to what your audience is experiencing right now.

Step 3. Offer a solution

This is a linking phrase that’s all about connecting the problems you painted earlier with your offer now being the solution.

It’s generally the key message around why they even need your offer.

Step 4. Introduce your free gift

It’s as simple as writing the word


And then giving the guide name. Make sure you don’t forget to let them know it’s free.

Step 5. Provide a summary of outcomes they’ll get from this.

These are all about benefit-feature-outcome dot points that are all about whetting the appetite for what’s inside your awesome free gift, and you’re also justifying why it deserves to be there, linking it to what they want.

Step 6. Call to Action

Tell them how they can get their free gift.

Want a fill-in-the-blank template to help you write your Facebook and Instagram ads in 10 minutes flat?

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Feeling Boring? How To Sell Without An Original Idea.

Trailblazer! Game Changer! Earth Shaker! Who doesn’t love to think of themself as the one making new tracks in their industry? Doing what’s never been done before. Slaying the status quo. Screwing the stock standard.

Trailblazer! Game Changer! Earth Shaker!

Who doesn’t love to think of themselves as the one making new tracks in their industry? Doing what’s never been done before. Slaying the status quo. Screwing the stock standard.

Oh, I feel it in my lions. It gets me so excited.

It’s almost hard for me to write the next sentence because I bought the t-shirt but sometimes in business, you need to say:

Fuck Being A Trailblazer.

It’s exhausting and expensive.

The cash doesn’t flow as freely when you’re blazing the trail.


Because you don’t have a pathway to an audience yet.

You’re literally paving the path.

Which means there’s a lag.

Your buyers need time to get there.

So while you’re miles ahead carving out new terrain, blazing that good trail, your buyers don’t even know what the fuck you’re doing.

Have your sales stopped? Or if you’re new, have you made any sales yet? Because there’s not an ATM insight on the trail.

Is your community nowhere to be found when you try to sell? Crickets. Tumbleweeds. Dirt road.

Are you so nervous you never post anything because you’re too afraid people will judge your opinions?


You’re a trailblazer.

And while your ego loves it. Your bank account doesn’t.

Trailblazing isn’t good for you if you need sales stat.

It takes time to build a pathway to an audience who will pay you.

And if time isn’t on your side, here’s what I recommend.

Look at what’s been done before that actually sold and repackage it up with your name on it.

Hollywood does it all the time with remakes.

Don’t groan. 21 Jump Street is the best remake in history.

Jonah Hill took a tv series from the 80s, put his name on it, and made it into a movie with Channing freaking Tatum.

On opening, the movie made a worldwide total of $201.6 million, becoming the top-grossing high school comedy film of all time.

Not bad for someone who took a look at what’s been done before and repackaged it up with their name on it.

Remakes work because there’s a proven pathway to sales.

It’s been done before. It made money.

There’s your market research.

When it comes to making money in business, it’s not about being original.

It’s how you package it up that makes it fresh.

It's your copy.

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